About Us

WITESOL is the professional organization for Wisconsin Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.  As an affiliate of TESOL International and an associate of IATEFL, we provide professional development opportunities and a network for educators of English Learners and multilingual students of all levels and ages around the state of Wisconsin.

Announcements from WITESOL:

Lunch and Learn – Register Now!

Together, WITESOL and the ML Department in the School District of Fort Atkinson will be hosting a “Lunch and Learn” event for ML/EL educators. WITESOL is sponsoring this workshop and will provide lunch and refreshments for attendees. This is a free professional development opportunity for educators. The date for this event is Tuesday, February 25, 2025. We welcome you to join the workshop from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.. in Fort Atkinson. While the event is free, we do require you to register by February 12th. You can learn more about this event, or register, at https://www.witesol.com/professional-development/