TESOL Complimentary Membership Awards

TESOL International Association Complimentary Membership Award is an annual award given to seven (7) WITESOL members. The criteria for the potential award winners are listed below.  We look forward to helping our members connect with the TESOL International Association. WITESOL is very proud to be a TESOL International Associate affiliate. This is a wonderful opportunity to get involved with TESOL International, to make new contacts and to access a plethora of professional resources. Find out more about the TESOL International Association here.

We currently have 7 membership awards still available in 2025.


1) Nominee must be a current member of WITESOL.

2) Nominee must be a new TESOL member or someone who has not been a TESOL member in more than five years.

Renewing TESOL members or current TESOL members do not qualify. Membership status will be verified by WITESOL and TESOL.

If interested, please email the WITESOL Board at witesolboard@gmail.com