
WITESOL is seeking sponsorships from businesses and non-profits who are looking to have exhibit opportunities at our conference on November 9th.

WITESOL looks forward to continuing our partnership to facilitate quality English language and Multilingual Learner education in Wisconsin. We will be opening up the application window to apply for various sponsorship levels soon. If you have any questions about being a sponsor and what options may possibly be available for this year’s conference, please email Marcia at mmihdawi@gmail.com.

WITESOL does not share, sell, or exchange personal data from our members.

Below, you will find a detailed description of our sponsorship levels.

Sponsorship Application

If interested in being a sponsor for the 2024 WITESOL Conference, please follow our two step process. For Step 1, please select the appropriate application below based on the sponsorship level and complete it to the best of your ability. For Step 2, you will need to return to this page to complete the payment online via credit card or PayPal.

Step 1: Complete an application by clicking on the sponsorship level you would like.

Platinum Sponsorship Application (There are no longer any platinum sponsorships available)

Gold Sponsorship Application

Silver Sponsorship Application

Bronze Sponsorship Application

Step 2: Use the payment button below to select the appropriate payment based on your level of sponsorship, and if you are a commercial business or non-profit. You can then pay via credit card or PayPal.

Please note that a WITESOL volunteer will confirm the receipt of your application and payment within 48 business hours of receiving both items. We will not contact you until we receive the application and payment. Thank you! You can email witesolboard@gmail.com if you have any questions or problems with the application or payment method.

Platinum Sponsorship

Gold Sponsorship

Silver Sponsorship

Bronze Sponsorship